وظائف بشركة رايه Raya Corp job vacancies - وظائف و فرص عمل

وظائف بشركة رايه Raya Corp job vacancies

وظائف بشركة رايه  Raya Corp job vacancies

وظائف جديدة بشركة رايه
وظائف خدمة عملاء بشركة رايه
Kindly note that we have customer service - back office job vacancies at Raya Contact Center with the following criteria

1-Very good German with excellent English 
2-Military status : postponed or exempted 
3-Location : 6th of October

Additional information : 
1- 9 working hours (from 9 AM till 6 PM)
2- Transportation meeting points

So please send your CV in this mail hany_fathy@rayacorp.com
